
Writing Science: Objectivity

Writing prompt Day 2
Pick one of the objects on the table and write a detailed description of it. You may handle the pieces. If you know the generally accepted name of the object, do not use it in your description. Either way, make up a name for the object.

Assorted questions on the table

  • What sorts of editing happen as notes get written? (Everything from the decision to pick up a pen or not -- if it means stripping off your gloves, or mucking up a pen, reliance on memory, distractions of running experimental work, your perspective/focus came up.)
  • David Everett suggests exercises for finding your voice - do real writers do things like this? Natalie Goldberg suggests writing without stopping for a set period. (Do real writers 'practice'? How? Why? What might you get out of exercises like these?)
  • How are new scientific terms birthed?

Writing along with us? Willing to share? Leave a link in the comments!


  1. You MUST practice writing regularly. I've learned this in a science writing class and observed it in my own experiences. Back in 2003 when I graduated with my master's in chemistry I decided to build a writing portfolio. Boy did I think I was hot stuff! Here I am seven years later with my "portfolio" compiled in a beautiful scrapbook and 3-ring notebook. However, seven years later I see how my writing style changed over the years with practice. I was terrible to say the least. Everything about my writing has improved; from the spelling and grammar to the overall tone, story and intangibles.
    The only way to be a better writer is to do it and do it regularly. Let the truth be spoken.

  2. Advice for writers (often attributed to Hemingway, but it's not original to him):

    First, apply the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.

    It's a discipline!


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